Today’s NYT Spelling Bee Pangram – New York Times Spelling Bee Pangram for January 1, 2023

Today’s NYT Spelling Bee Pangram for the for the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle are ready for you.

The New York Times Spelling Bee has only one Spelling Bee pangram today. The pangram is ALLOWANCE.

ALLOWANCE means an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances. It is also defined as a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company’s assets. It is also defined as a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits. It is also defined as an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period). It is also defined as a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses. It is also defined as put on a fixed allowance, as of food. It is also defined as the act of allowing.

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