Today’s NYT Spelling Bee Pangram – New York Times Spelling Bee Pangram for November 15, 2022

Today’s NYT Spelling Bee Pangram for the for the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle are ready for you.

The New York Times Spelling Bee has multiple pangrams today. The pangrams are FLOODING, FOLDING, and FONDLING.

FLOODING means a technique used in behavior therapy; client is flooded with experiences of a particular kind until becoming either averse to them or numbed to them.

FOLDING means the act of folding. It is also defined as a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock. It is also defined as capable of being folded up and stored. It is also defined as the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape.

FONDLING means affectionate play (or foreplay without contact with the genital organs).

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