Today’s NYT Spelling Bee Pangram – New York Times Spelling Bee Pangram for November 8, 2024

Today’s NYT Spelling Bee Pangram for the for the New York Times Spelling Bee Puzzle are ready for you.

The New York Times Spelling Bee has two Spelling Bee pangrams today. The pangrams are ROTUNDA and TURNAROUND.

ROTUNDA means a building having a circular plan and a dome. It is also defined as a large circular room.

TURNAROUND means act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip. It is also defined as a decision to reverse an earlier decision. It is also defined as time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip. It is also defined as turning in the opposite direction. It is also defined as an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around.

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